CXC 2022 Panels, Teach and Talks and Spotlights pt. 2

In our mission to create an atmosphere of communication and shared enthusiasm between creators and audiences of cartoon storytelling, all archived programming such as panels, teach and talks and artist spotlights are available for streaming free of charge. Get inspired and start streaming!

CXC 2022: Spotlight on Maia Kobabe

Maia Kobabe is the author of the multi-award winning Gender Queer: A Memoir. E has contributed to multiple anthologies and after having eir book banned by the Anchorage School District in Alaska e contributed an opinion piece to the Washington Post in response to the controversy. In this interview with Justin Hall they will be discussing the work and career of Kobabe. In addition to his long standing career as a Bay Area cartoonist, Justin Hall is editor of the Anthology No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics and producer of the subsequent documentary No Straight Lines: Rise of Queer Comics. He is also co-organizer of Queers & Comics.
Though the prospect of these two talking is exciting within itself, what makes this interview all the more special is the history the two share, Maia Kobabe as the alumni to CCA(California College of the Arts) and Justin Hall having been eir professor.

Guest courtesy of Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD)
CXC 2022: Re-Ignition: The Craft of Rebellion: A Conversation with Ronald Wimberly and James Spooner

The medium of comics has always attracted rebellious voices and weirdos alike. Comics communities have a long history of lavishing in their DIY/punk rock ethos from zines and minis to merch and manufacturing. Ronald Wimberly and James Spooner have not only forged their own paths along their creative journeys but have created platforms for a wider community of artists. In this conversation, hosted by CM Campbell, they will discuss how these two artists approach carving out a space for themselves pushing beyond the comics landscape and how that has manifested in their craft and wider art practice.

Guest courtesy of The Columbus Museum of Art
CXC 2022: Spotlight on Maria Scrivan 

Maria Scrivan discusses the process of making Half Full, her daily syndicated comic and her Nat Enough graphic novel series, the windy path she took toward her childhood dream of being a cartoonist, and some amazing synchronicities along the way!

Guest courtesy of The Columbus Metropolitan Library
CXC 2022: Spotlight on Tom Gauld

Modern master of the comics strip, Tom Gauld, discusses his latest work Revenge of the
Librarians (Drawn and Quarterly), with renowned cartoonist Jeff Smith and comics journalist
Irene Velentzas. What is the key behind short impactful comic strips? How does Tom use strips to stretch the form in new and interesting ways? How do these strips get collected into longer works? Join us as Tom Gauld and Jeff Smith discuss these points and more!

Guest Courtesy of Drawn and Quarterly
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