Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.  CXC has a board of directors governed by a Code of Regulations, as well as an Executive Committee.  CXC has a half time paid Executive Director who is nonvoting but informs board decisions.  CXC also has an Advisory Council made up of presenting partner organizations and interested local constituents.  All CXC events are designed to be free and as accessible as possible to remove barriers of participation to as many people as possible.  

Partner organizations include the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, The Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus College of Art & Design, Hale Hall / OSU Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Columbus Metropolitan Libraries, Pop Culture Studies at OSU, Thurber House, Gateway Film Center, and Laughing Ogre Comics among others.  CXC always welcomes new partner organizations to explore programming options.  The programming process takes all year.  Each partner organization presents its ideas for guests and programming, invitations are issued, and results brought back to committee and ultimately combined with CXC invited guests, a host of moderators, afterparties, and receptions into the full festival.  

CXC operates on a budget of approximately $100,000 each year not including direct costs of partner organizations for their guests and events.  Budget is allocated to honoraria, travel, and lodging for special guests, Emerging Talent Award, insurance, design & creation fees, marketing, half-time executive director, and other supply and administration costs.  No board or committee members are compensated, and all guests and moderators are paid honoraria.  Approximately 5-7% of CXC’s revenues each year are from expo table fees.  Just under 30% of CXC’s budget is from granting organizations like the Greater Columbus Arts Council and Ohio Arts Council, the remaining funds are individual, corporate, and foundation donations.

CXC consistently seeks broad and representational participation from its constituents and actively seeks to broaden that base.

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